Within the meadow...

There is no sign of any other unicorns for awhile and you believe that you have seen them all, until something zooms over the top of your head. Gazing up you see a unicorn with a large wingspan coming in for a landing beside you.

"Sell li! I am Flis'Vali'Era."

There is a vague familiarity about this unicorn but you shrug it off. "Sella li. Enjoying your flight?"

"It is always great to excercise the wings," he explains and you continue with friendly conversation until you believe it is time to continue moving down the path.

Name: Flis'Vali'Era
Translation: Gold Wing Fly
Gender: Male
Parents: 242 x 250
Birth Charity: Ereth Nathe Buri
Charity: -
Glory: Cora Finien
Class: Nitheli

The Silver Unicorn