Within the meadow...

A brief flash of a unicorn from your right causes you to lose balance. Reeling, the unicorn returns straight for you, leaping as if intending to hit you in the chest. Just before he can achieve this, you fall over onto your backside and he flies over your head.

"Ouch, hey, what was that for?!"

"Sella li," he snorts, repressing a laugh, "It's so fun to do this to travellers!"

With a final chuckle the troublemaker trots off in the opposite direction and with a frunt you continue to walk down the path.

Name: Mur'Miraeilli
Translation: Red Dawnlight
Gender: Male
Parents: -
Birth Charity: -
Charity: -
Glory: Unlasta se Cassta
Class: Nai

The Silver Unicorn